Friday 10 August 2012

Education Benefits For Military Spouses Made Easy With Online College Program

By Erik Heidrick

The government has altered how they pay for things for people in the armed services over the last few years. They have altered how one can have military spouse education benefits to help the person they married. They can now let that person use some of the money set aside for schooling for themselves.

A person in active service can share a portion of their educational award to pay for online course work that their husband or wife decides to do. The active member no longer needs to watch this part of their GI package disappear if they decide they are not going to use it. The family can still benefit from the time served.

There are requirements that makes a family eligible to receive these benefits. First, the partner in the armed forces must have served at least six years in active duty. They also will be asked to serve an additional four more years when their partner signs up for for the program.

This can affect more people than a husband and wife. Children are eligible to receive consideration if one of their parents were killed while serving their country. This does vary from state to state and one needs to learn what applies in their locality before jumping to conclusions.

There are also other programs that will help to provide financial assistance to those seeking a college education. They will help pay for the courses that they sign up for if their spouse was killed while in action or on duty. Many colleges will help them access this help by assigning a counselor to oversee the application.

There are military spouse education benefits a person may tap into to help them pay for an online college. These are earned either through time served or the sacrifice that was made. There are a number of programs available for a husband or wife who wishes to advance their level of learning and receive a college degree.

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